Iraqveteran8888 Gun Gripes
The popular "Gun Gripes" series from Iraqveteran8888 is now in podcast form! Listen in on your drive, while at the range or while you are working. As one of the longest-running 2A advocacy shows on the internet, Gun Gripes is also available on YouTube in video format. Eric began this series at Moss Pawn & Gun with our good friend Barry, a huge voice and wealth of knowledge in the 2A community who unfortunately passed away in 2014. Gun Gripes continues to this day with Eric's longtime friend and co-host Chad and other special guests. Currently in its ninth year with plenty more to gripe about.
Podcasting since 2011 • 363 episodes
Iraqveteran8888 Gun Gripes
Latest Episodes
Gun Gripes #361: "Should You Carry a Stock Gun?"
JOIN THE FIGHT: GRIFFIN ARMAMENT: https://www.griffinarmament.comShould you carry a stock gun or one tricked out to the gills? The internet begs for an answer.SUPPORT US BY SUPPORTING THESE...
Episode 361
Gun Gripes #360: "Do Trans People Have 2A Rights?"
JOIN THE FIGHT: Higden (@sarahigden_) joins Eric to discuss trans people in the 2A community, the attacks from both sides of the political aisle, how many people feel certain rights don't apply to ...
Gun Gripes #359: "Guns & Fitness: Why You Need Both"
JOIN THE FIGHT: this video, we discuss firearms ownership and fitness. Eric has been embarking on a serious weightlifting journey as of late, and we felt like discussing why it is important to be fit...
Episode 359
Gun Gripes #358: "Are You REALLY an AK Guy?"
JOIN THE FIGHT: USE CODE "IV8888" TO SAVE!In this video, we discuss owning and using AKs but still being on the AR bandwagon for defensive use and vice versa.SUPPORT US BY...
Episode 358
Gun Gripes #357: "The Sikh Marine Dumpster Fire"
JOIN THE FIGHT: OUT OUR COMPANY: www.argosordnance.comIn this episode, we discuss the dumpster fire resulting from the first Sikh Marine who graduated with his articles of faith against the tr...
Episode 357